Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I kicked my workout's ass.

So, obviously feeling blah today. I had to talk myself into going to the gym... so easy to say, I'll just walk home, I'm going grocery shopping, that'll be my exercise.
SO glad I went. Kicked it's ass. Interval elliptical 28 mins... woot 300 cals burned. And, very happy, I had to go up to more weights for my bench press. Was doing 33, had to go up to 38 to be challenged. 5lbs in 3 workouts... yay! Love seeing results. And for the most part... stuck to my diet. Had 1/2 a cookie. And, aside from pickles, I didn't really get veggies in today. Hmm.. I need to re-work the tomato soup. Upon attempting to eat it today... I realized A) to sweet (i put in a little bit of brown sugar to cut the acid) and B) still too thick. I should have let the onions do their job and left it stewing for a bit I guess. But it's got a nice smokey after taste because I broiled some sun dried tomato bits and they got a little crispy (blackened). And that turned into a good accident. So... maybe after a little more experimenting this might workout. If it does I figured out a tomato soup recipe that's about 50 cals a cup. :)

Don't much feel like delving into personal stuff today. But, things are looking better.

Love you all

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