Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 12, 11 went good too

Alright, So, squats... yeah... still painful as crap. But, as Andrew likes to remind me "feel the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." It works, push through, but I have to get on a better routine for the muscle work.
I FINALLY found a Vinaigrette that I like. I'm well aware that cream dressings are terrible for me, well for people in general, high cal, high fat, high sugar... but who doesn't like a good caesar salad? Well, my gut's not a fan of it with all the cheese, and added stuff. Anyways, sun dried tomato, balsamic vinaigrette. The boy and I went out for dinner after work (my lunch just wasn't that great so we hit up BPs) So yeah, tossed green salad with that dressing and my god, it was good. Now I get to find something similar. And considering they are about half the cals, it should help me enjoy my salads even more... that's the goal anyways.

Sigh, I think I have to do it. I think I have to give up my morning coffee. The coffee itself, I'm aware, not so bad... it's everything I put in the coffee. And since I'm terribly unsatisfied with the numbers on the scale (one friend keeps giving me shit for jumping on when I in my cycle, so maybe I do need to wait) I'm just not seeing the numbers go down. And to be frank, it's more important to me to be at 150lbs, than it is to have a cup of coffee or two every day.
Green tea has caffeine if I need the pick up, and if I really want coffee I can treat myself to an americano misto with sugar free caramel, get my coffee fix, get my dairy in, and not add any extra calories.
I also have to be frank with my room mate/god mum, who like to take care of me, and loves me, and likes cooking, but is in the mindset that I don't need to loose weight, that a "bacon sanny" with two huge pieces of bread, spreads of sorts (alright alright, mayo) two fried eggs, and a coffee, IS NOT a good breakfast for me.
It's cute, she watches A&E's heavy (good show), and sees like these 350+ and 500lb people, and she's like... see, you're not that big, you don't need to worry. My deal is to try and make her understand that No... I'm not 350lbs, but I'm still not at a healthy weight. There's stress on my heart, my body, my joints, because I am still in the obease range.

Here's a bit of good news though. When I started all of this, Andrew made me a little WII fit character, and my % over normal weight was like 36.6 (give or take a decimal) and last time I got on, it was 35.5, so yay... climbing down the obease latter.

I do have to remind myself I'm trying to build muscle at the same time, so maybe on feb 10th when I get out the tape measure, I'll be in a better place. Scales can be irrelevent and frustraiting... or helpful if I need to keep things in mind.. Hmm do I need that bit of dip with my veggies or should I just enjoy them on their own (I do actually like the tast of veggies).

My shoulder's look awesome though, my neck and shoulders. I'm loving it. I'm getting clavacles... and they make me happy :D (That's my what I like about myself when I look in the mirror moment.)

Oh, and I think I'm putting this out there. Here's a tip for those of you whom don't like to eat veggies... this will make a good family sized serving

1 tsp-tbls spoon of olive oil
12-18 baby carrots (depending on how many people)
1/4 head of cauliflor
1/4 white onion chopped big and chunky (really just hack it off and break the piece up)
A pinch of salt
a good hit of corse ground pepper to taste
Toss all that stuff up, toss it in a baking pan in the oven for 20-40 mins (depending on how hard or soft you like your veg) and ta-da! They taste amazing, with out adding butter, or cheese, or any other veggie maskers. The olive oil adds a ton of flavor, while only adding about 60-100 extra cals for the whole table to split.

That's my hint for the day anyways.
Luv you all !

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