I need to get back on track ish... my water consumption's gone down. I've been bloated for like three days now and I barely want to put anything in my tummy... but on a ranty note... Obesity is not a FUCKING disease! A fat ass customer at work decided to disagree with me when I started talking about my activities on the internet last night.... Proof stupid is not restricted to the South.
I was on A&E's heavy boards, I love the show, wanted to see if there were any training tips. There was a casting call... and all these desperate obese people praying to get on the show because it's their last hope to conquer their "disease" of obesity. It's a poor lifestyle choice, it's not a disease. Food addiction is a lifestyle choice that is HARD to work through and get over.. but it's a choice... I had a shitty day, I was surrounded by chocolate. I am an emotional eater... I chose not to eat any chocolate. If it was a disease, I would have to. Fine, you have a form of OCD, and maybe that makes you a compulsive eater, or you have a thyroid thing... that's a condition... NOT ALL OBESE people have a disease. If someone came up to me and said my obesity was a disease, I'd slap their face off. I'm making the change, I am changing my lifestyle. I am loosing weight. You wanna say I'm curing myself? No, I'm teaching myself how to life right... and if one more morbidly obese person says their obesity is a disease I'll go up one side and down the other... FUCK THAT SHIT... You are NOT powerless to change who you are, what you look like, how you eat, and HOW YOU LIVE. Choose well and live with it.
Okay.. I'm ranted out...
My new line, I don't play well with stupid.
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