Alright, so quick post... I was successful in avoiding chocolate on v-day (giving a lot of credit to Andrew here since he didn't get me any) and I got in most of my goals.
In the interests of Shutting Andrew Up I finally borrowed his book The 4 Hour Body. I've never been a fan of low carb diets, I tried atkins and went crazy. But, I can see the appeal. A) he's lost 20 ish lbs in 30 days. B) Tim (can't remember the last name) has a no nonsense style of cutting through the BS. C) despite the way Andrew made it sound, it's not actually a low carb diet plan, so much as a discription of systematic controls and tools, along with a high protine, good carb plan (from what I've read so far).
So maybe I'll see. I'll read through, see what I need to change and go from there. What I'm doing now isn't working as fast as I would like it to in part because I can't comfortably follow it. It requires dairy or diary subsitutes. I'm unconfortable taking a pill every time I want to eat something from a cow, and even more uncomfortable paying the extra costs of lactos free products... and any of the other supstitutes just taste like shite.
So I'll keep reading, and I'll see.
I'll have more posted on this by tomorrow... maybe with more read.
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