Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 6 2lbs!

Okay, So I know I said to myself I would try to avoid the scale a little... Weight fluxes there's no way around that... but for the first time in a few days... (pause for dramatic emphasis) the scale fluxed down. I'm down 2lbs in 5 days. :D
Seeing the results dose pump me up quite a bit. It makes me want to keep going on the healthy path, it makes me want to get to the gym, and a it makes me want to drink the water, eat the veggies, go to the grocery store and get more and etc etc etc.

Last night, like I said, I was soar, I chose not to go to the gym... I regretted that so much. I was board to tears. I did my ball exercises and stuff. But, I really wanted that accomplished feeling of beating the elliptical, sweating it, seeing my heart rate get into that calorie burning zone, and all that jazz.

Well today I'm hitting the gym for sure. Tonight anyways. And I've got some house work to do today. I found this little website that calculated for every 15 mins of moderate house work I did, it burned 91 cals. If it's true it's comforting. Cause I got more than 15 mins of house work to do :P.
Hopefully the ice will melt and I can walk to the grocery store later today to. While I love baby carrots, I need a little variance in my veggies.

Tomorrow's my BDaY! yay, my odo's kicking over.. *shrugs* it's cool to think that last year I was 82lbs heavier. But one thing my bf's giving me is a training program for muscle work.
Kettlebell swings
pushups will be in volved.

They all sound terrible... However, the more lean muscle I can build, the more cals I will burn, and that ladies and gents is what this body needs.

Alright To Do today
Clean floors,
tidy rooms,
clean bird cages,
go to gym
try to hit up grocery store
meet Brik at campus and have little date night thing
... that seems like enough.. (keeping in mind my other goals :P)

Cheers All

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