Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 9, I think

So Day 9, I'm pretty sure. Ah the absence of a few days. Well I spent most of Friday with Brik, a lot of Sat was with him too, along with work.

So, gym wasn't part of the plan, but thanks to snow plows in the area, the boy and I walked to breakfast and back. Not a short across the street walk. I'd call it brisk (well I would if he wasn't strolling though part of it :D I love you baby... he reads this).
Obviously I broke my diet.. One word... booze... I broke my diet, but the weight didn't stick, so that's a good thing.

I had a fucking awesome birthday by the way. Bowling, booze, friends, a bar at the end, and having a great boyfriend stay sober and babysit me. Apparently whilst walking to the car I wasn't entirely focused and would have walked into oncoming traffic. I like to think I maintain a few of my common sense faculties when I drink myself into a stupor but I guess that's just not the case.

So as January rolls into a close, I'm thinking I did pretty good with my list of to-do's, and my goals, I sill have 13 days of this 21 to go, but like I said, habits are well on their way to being fully formed. 8 glasses of water has been a consistent check, I think I have been fairly consistent with the writing... veggies, and fruit... inconsistent, but I'm getting SOME in every day, and I have been avoiding crap.
I got all my big to-do's done, two things will be carried over. I need to see an education counselor about furthering my degree, and in theory, I want to try to read every day, and get back into writing. I hoped that getting back into my blog would help with the writing, and it gets me writing, but it's not the writing I want to be working on. I might need something to spark the juices again.

I'm gonna keep going with the goals here, and see how automatic it becomes... I even numbered the tops of my water bottles so I can keep track better... I might be getting too obsessed.

I think I'm going to add a goal for Feb though. A friend of mine, Steph, a hugely supportive friend of mine, gave me some advice to put that fat girl voice in it's place.
One of my goals, think of one really positive thing about my body, every day. Change my thinking; like she said, if I'm hating on my legs, change the mindset, think about strong they are and how they power me through my workouts.

positive thinking!

Cheers Peeps

1 comment:

  1. Think about your legs this way Dee all legs are the same they were made for one purpose to be able to walk! U r beautiful Dee! I Love you!
