Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good news... and .. Well I cheated too

So the good news.... I'm really not the big fan of chocolate anymore. Friday, cheat day, bought a little pack of minnie eggs, cause my god, walking into my store they've been driving me nuts. But... when I actually ate a few... too sweet, didn't even finish the little pack, my co-worker did. I was just in... take'em or leave'em mode. I've NEVER been like that with chocolate. I was a food hider when it came to chocolate. It's a bit of a shock... I gotta say.

And... Saturday, the day that wasn't my cheat day, was a shitty day. No energy, just blah feeling, and I got insulted by a customer (Wind customer accused me of being raciest and insulted my weight). So... I did it, I had a peanut butter cup (cause despite not being a huge chocoholic anymore, I still love pb) and 3 croissants. I gave into my emotional eating habit, and yesterday I was all like... I know what I'm doing, I know why I'm doing... and I'm not gonna feel bad about it. I didn't yesterday. Seeing it written down now I kinda do. On the one hand, I havn't given into my emotional eating habit in well over a month, prior. And I didn't delude myself in it. But, I could have just said no and done up some veggies in garlic and cheated with some butter. So... take it as you will, Saturday, I actually off scheduled cheated.

Today is a new day though. Bloody time change though, I swear I'm moving to Sask... wait... no... never mind that. But really this whole daylight savings time thing is just stupid. So, tired as crap, even forgot my ready to go tea on the counter this morning. I got through the day, no cravings to cheat. Bought a white tea from the Bux at Rexall, and went to Kingsways after work, and ignored a cinnabon... hmm the smell. Anyways. Today is a good day, for diets anyways.
I've also discovered my new favorite store. Teaopia. If anyone wants to get me a presant... gift cards. My god, I'm drinking so much tea lately it's hippie like. ... Or... I don't know do hippies drink tea? Its my new go to drink, and it's getting to be about three cups a day. And it's not all caffinated green or white tea, I found this wonderful herbal tea... hmm blackberry vanilla. Anyways, Teaopia has a ton of tea toys I'm saving for... I've decided, and I'm gonna try this Yerba mate stuff... supposed to be even more packed with everything good for than green tea.
Salmon for dinner with some roated veg
don't have to get up early for work.
Life is pretty good.

Luv ya

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