Saturday, March 5, 2011

quick rant before bed

So, out of curiosity I decided to look up food addiction. I already know I'm an emotional eater, and I'm braking that cycle. I was curious about the addiction bit. I can admit I was there. I used to hide food... food I know were embarrassing to be caught eating. I used to binge eat, I would try to purge though various ways... I used to do a lot of things on the addiction list. But... I don't know, since I've make the choices, since I've stood here and said, No... I can do this... I don't. I said no to chocolate for 21 days strait. For more than the last three months, I've said... no I'm not letting this shitty emotional situation ruin my damn diet. Do I need to constantly work at it? You bet your ass I do... But I did it.
So when I read "The physiological and psychological dependency of food can be broken when the individual recognizes that they are powerless to combat it alone" I nearly shit bricks.... okay the rest of this goes on about how God helps the helpless and all that... and people who have that leval of faith... well it's a beautiful thing. But don't you dare tell me I am powerless to change MY life. I was honestly thinking... and have been for a bit... since my mom went loopy because of her own addiction and I went to an alanon family thing, that Maybe... MAYBE, I should look into this food addiction thing... maybe talking would help.. If I'm going to sit there and be told that I... I Am POWERLESS? Kiss My Shrinking Ass. And what a terrible message to tell to people... You are powerless to fight your addiction on your own? Why not be EMpowered by God's love to fight this? Maybe some people need it. I don't want to judge the people getting help with their addiction. I'm critizising the people running these groups... No wonder people have the idea that they've tried everything and fail... if the message is you are powerless to change on your own... well... fine then...
... this...
Alright.. ranting makes me sleepy...
powerless my shrinking ass...

Love you

1 comment:

  1. No chocolate for 21 days? You are a machine!! :-) Thanks for the info about the chemical ingredients... I'm glad they're not as harmful as they sound!
