Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 21! DOWN!

Hey Ladies and gents,

okay, so, I'm bad with keeping up with my blog. I'm bad at not going on the scale, and I'm pretty damn happy about my results this time.

Feb 10 Measurements:
Chest 45.5
Arms 14.25
Thigh 26
Calf 18
Waste 41
hips 49

Today's Measurements:
Chest 44.5 (-1)
Arms 14 (-.25)
Thigh 26 (no change... grrr)
Calf 18 (no change... grrr)
Wast 39 (-2)
Hips 47 (-2)

Total loss in 21 days, 5.25 inches :D Yay! And the scale this morning... 217! WOOOOT I'm down 11.5lbs in 3 weeks. Yay. And what a three week bit its been. My god, in the last three weeks I think I've had a total of 3 days off. I've been running around trying to plan a trip to Vancouver, get in touch with friends and just in general figure shit out. I was getting bad at my goals. I mean I wasn't keep track of water, I wasn't really drinking tea, I wasn't blogging, and I was so tired because my shift were all over the place I wasn't going to the gym... just trying to keep busy so I was moving. I was going on the scale nearly every day. The worst part about that was how upset I was getting when I was going up and down.
I'm taking the battery out of my scale today. I'm not going on again for another 21 days.
And I'm restarting goals today too.

Just three
1. 8 glasses of water and a cup of tea
2. still keeping all the veg, but I want to get one serving of cooked veg
3. use my pedometer and get up to 10,000 steps a day by the end of 21 days. I'm at around 8,000 on a block buster day, 5000 on a rexall day. (I work in a tiny room, so not a lot of walking at rex).
Okay... 4... Do not step on a scale, and to not STRESS about the number. Stress is a killer, I don't need another thing to stress about. If I'm doing healthy things for my body, I shouldn't worry about it. The results will come.

I think those will be managable. I won't get upset with failing because I'm trying to do too much, inbetween keeping up with work, an attempt at a personal life, and any issues coming up. These can just become a part of my regular day.

But somethings I am happy about... 21 days with out chocolate, dispite working at Blockbuster where every time I walk in, I can smell the mini eggs.
I am completely off sugar (sub or otherwise) or creame in my white, green, and herbal teas... I perfer just the flavor of the tea, no additives.
And of course :D 11.5 lbs and 5.25 inches. YAY

So, let's see what the next 21 brings. Next day March 25th... then my trip :D

Luv you guys

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